Location: East Liverpool, Ohio

I am a Liberal and a Socialist, a Democrat only because there is no one else to vote for. My religious beliefs, Think Herbert W. Armstrong.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Burma, well guess what?

Burma(Myanmar) would be a perfect opportunity for Condi Rice to actually do something that might not be a direct benefit for the Bush administration. So far in her term she has played the political version of Cap't Dunsel, she shows up for a photo-op then runs away. Now we know why. Dick Cheney's former(ha ha former) company has monetary interests in Burma. It is in their best interest to keep the totaliarian government in power and the populace in their place.
There is nothing this administration won't do for loot.

halliburtonwatch is a great resource for keeping track of this company that wants to loot the American treasury.


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