
Location: East Liverpool, Ohio

I am a Liberal and a Socialist, a Democrat only because there is no one else to vote for. My religious beliefs, Think Herbert W. Armstrong.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Seems like the childlike Wiener

Got his little wiener all in a twit. So his fans send e-mails to Brian Lamb on C-SPAN.
So Brian reads the e-mails on the air. Bad grammar, bad spelling and all.

This does solve an age old question.
How ignorant does a person have to be, to listen to hate radio?
I did not add a direct link but the C-SPAN videos are on YouTube
This link,http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0607/4576.html, goes to a written story about the show.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A view of the real Alberto

From the beginning, Gonzales has sought to shape the law according to the president's wishes. Through his legal maneuvering as White House counsel, he has authorized criminal behavior and refused to prosecute that same criminal behavior as attorney general. He created and navigated legal avenues for the president and his administration to use torture and indefinite detention. And now, as attorney general, he has refused to investigate those programs.
From the time a person takes their oath of office they are there to represent the law and the American people.
This just seems to be something else Alberto can't remember.
Alberto would have been perfect for a spot on the Sopranos as a mob lawyer.


Sunday, June 03, 2007

Shoe, meet other foot.

From the same criminal group that thinks they have a right to know everything American citizens do.
We now get to see Dick, everything I do should be kept secret, Cheney.

What the world thinks of Wolfowitz

It isn't the pretty picture that you get from the Bush crime family, or their cheerleaders in the media.
They all provide English translations.
La Jornada, Mexico
Globo, Brazil
La Nacion, Chili
Al-Ahram, Egypt