
Location: East Liverpool, Ohio

I am a Liberal and a Socialist, a Democrat only because there is no one else to vote for. My religious beliefs, Think Herbert W. Armstrong.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Mitt Romney goes off deep end.

This guy might actually be as big of a lunatic as Bush is.
Stopping the spread of nuclear weapons and better gas milage are liberal issues??????????
You would think that they were American issues.


Friday, June 20, 2008

Well I am not surprised

or even amazed. I wish I could be.
There is nothing that they can say or do on hate radio to get them in trouble.
This is so much more important than Janet Jackson, but the FCC goes into hiding.
Hatemonger Michael promotes murdering people.


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Texas republicans-poster children for stupidity.

Just read it yourself,I couldn't make anything up this stupid.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

American media won't tell you this.

It doesn't fit with their'everything is going perfect in Iraq' stories.
We should be thankful for foreign news services.

23 billion dollars of American taxpayer money has gone missing in Iraq.

Friday, June 06, 2008

We are never leaving

At least George and John McCain are admitting that they don't want the US to ever leave Iraq.
That is why they have never considered an exit strategy.
And the only folks who need immunity are those who committed criminal offenses.

Bush wants 50 military bases, control of Iraqi airspace and legal immunity for all American soldiers and contractors


Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Congratulations to Manny Ramirez

On Saturday May 31 he hit home run number 500, which is quite an impressive feat.
As a Cleveland fan, I wish Manny had played his whole career here, but that is not how things turned out.
Often when you hear about Manny it is in reference to Manny being Manny.
Well that distracts from one of the great run producers of our time.
When I wrote this Manny had a lifetime batting average of .312 and 1643 RBIs. There is nobody I would rather have at the plate with a runner on base.
Manny keeps himself in good playing condition and shoud have quite a few more good years ahead.