
Location: East Liverpool, Ohio

I am a Liberal and a Socialist, a Democrat only because there is no one else to vote for. My religious beliefs, Think Herbert W. Armstrong.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I generally try to stay away from the Hollywood scene, but I saw where Eureka has been cancelled.
I would not consider Eureka as one of my favorite shows,but I do watch it in between baseball seasons.
It has great writing and pretty decent acting, considering the whole show is based on silly premise.
Just as a personal note. I would liked to have seen more of Beverly Barlow, but they didn't seem to have room for an evildoer in the main cast.
It seems that the main failing of the show was that it didn't star a bunch of snotnosed teenagers.
I guess it shows my age, but I am surprised that teens have nothing else to do but watch TV.
Which explains why they look like they are trying out for the sumo wrestling team.

Unlike the Johnny Cash song

This is a circle that needs to be broken.
Massive corporate profits, followed by more layoffs, followed by more profits,followed by more layoffs, followed by more profits,followed by more layoffs.

Wall St. is the reason Americans don't have jobs.

Congratulations to Jim Thome

Congratulations on you historic milestone.
One of only 8 to hit 600 homers.
Also a slugger who went untouched by all the steroids talk.